Review Of The Sony HTCT150 Sound Bar

At 360 degrees radius the human can hear around them. This is something they figured out back in the 1930's, but with the new technology now the surround systems have come a long way. Just in the past 10 years, technology has created smaller systems with optimal coverage of surround sound. Before these new inventions, the speakers that came for surround sound were as big as small dressers. The worst part is there were two of them. Today you can mount an entire system on a wall, or place it in front of your TV and it hardly takes up any space. A great example of a compact set yet, optimal sound would be the Sony HTCT150 sound bar. This sound device has taken the latest in technology to remain compact, yet provide you with the most optimal sound.

See Lowest Prices on the Sony HTCT100 Sound Bar

The Sony HTCT150 has amazing sound output, yet the speaker bar is so small it can fit just about anywhere. People have placed them in front of their televisions, or even mounted them onto a wall. The worst part of the entire system would be the size of the subwoofer. Although it is larger it has an awesome display at the top that has all the system settings. Although it's big, it's got a 200 watt amplifier that is built right into it. With multiple HDMIR, and optical audio inputs it becomes a mini control center to control the entire set. If you are hoping to find something that is really easy to set up and does not require drilling holes, running wires through your walls, or too much effort, this is the best option!

With so many reviews online, you can find many detailed customer reports about the Sony HTCT150 Sound Bar from their own perspective. This product on average is rated a 95% satisfaction rate. Online is a review form a customer in Fort Wayne, Indiana that says "This product was EXACTLY what I went looking for when I realized a standard 5/6/7.1 solution wouldn't work well in my office. I've started watching movies I haven't viewed for a while just to enjoy the great sound of this unit! I have a 7.1 setup in my living room with my bigger TV, so I know good sound when I hear it. In the irregular space in my office, this is the perfect solution for high quality, semi-positional sound."

To have your system running at maximum performance it's important to use the correct HDMI cables so you can take advantage of the HDMI option. Setting up the Sony HTCT100 sound bar is a simple process, but Sony is there to support you every step of the way. You can call the customer service department, or use their installation manual. If you are seeking a simple installation, with clear sound, the Sony HTCT150 Sound Bar is what you are seeking. You can buy this great system online, or at your closest major electronics store.